Admissions Open (Hindi)

The basic content of this film is all about a revolutionary movement started by the victims of our stereotype education system. A disheartened IT professor called Tariq Siddhiqi, (Anupam kher) who is basically disappointed with the orthodox education system and Devang Tripathi (Ashish Vidyarthi) an alcoholic professor who is thrown out from Mumbai University for his abstract methodology for teaching and Arjun sheghal, (Ankur Khanna) an under achieving student who disenchants the traditional education system as he doesn’t believe in grading system and Priyanka (Arshi) who wants to break through the typical parental pressure of our society to accomplish her passion as a super model. Finally as they all posses same perception towards our stereotype education system, they decide to go against to it and they form an abstract pattern of education system to encourage the failure students of our society. Even you are invited to join the revolutionary movement to change the education system of our country.

The basic content of this film is all about a revolutionary movement started by the victims of our stereotype education... Show More

A newcomer cast with a smattering of industry veterans. Casting Pattern : Checked.

The film starts with a scathing criticism of the education system on voiceover. And then it talks about revolution. Lofty Concepts : Checked.

Mention of parental pressures, peer pressures, apathetic institutions, the rat-race. Multitude of issues : Checked.

A slogan – Do what you’re born to do. An apparent genuine sincerity : Checked.

The opening scene – a school farewell. Genuine sincerity makes way for intellectual inadequacies. Treatment Pattern : Checked.

Remake of a Hollywood C-grader, Accepted. Source Quality : Checked.

The rest of the movie – a rip-roaring unintentional comedy. All checks passed. Subject certified as a genuine Bollywood’s Absurd Wave product.